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Call for Submissions:

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The New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine invites submissions from traditional Chinese medicine practitioners worldwide.

1、TCM Education: Personal explorations and experiences in traditional medical education.

2、Modern clinical research, including clinical and laboratory studies, investigating successful or unsuccessful TCM practices.

3、Traditional medicine: Experiences and insights on traditional medicine and healing practices from around the world, including natural therapies and integrative medicine.

4、TCM clinical case reports and summaries, as well as experiences related to health, maintenance, and fitness.

5、Legislation and laws related to TCM or alternative medicine industries in various countries.


①Submissions should be within 2500 words. In exceptional cases, if the length exceeds this limit, we may edit or publish in multiple parts.

②Please provide abstracts in both Chinese and English. Use standard paper format and style. Submit documents in Word format, including illustrations, charts, and tables, Please provide bilingual manuscripts in both Chinese and English.

③Properly cite and reference all direct quotations. Manuscripts must be original, and the submitting author is responsible for any plagiarism or complaints. The journal will not be held accountable.

④Authors should receive a notification regarding their submission within two weeks. Submissions will be accepted, accepted with revisions, or rejected.

⑤Please send your submissions to: press@nejtcm. org

Editorial Department of the New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine











3.稿件必須是原創, 應明確註明直接引述文献及其出處。如有抄襲或投訴,由投稿人承擔法律責任。

4.稿件提交後兩週內,作者應收到有關提交的通知, 將被告知被接受、接受修改或拒絕。

提交請發送至:press@nejtcm. org

新英格蘭中醫雜誌 編輯部

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