Today: Sep 19, 2024
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Academic And Advisory Board Members 陳可冀,教授,中國科學院學部委員(院士)。 Dr Chen, Keji Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Academician). 樑繁榮,教授,中國針灸學會副會長,原成都中醫藥大學校長。Dr Liang, Fanrong Vice President of Chinese Society of
NEJTCM Magazine -New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Issue 2024 V1
NEJTCM Magazine -New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Issue 2024 V1

One Mushroom a Day: Flammulina enoki

(Xuping Tang) Chinese people enjoy eating mushrooms, especially enoki mushrooms. Its smooth and crisp texture, along with its fresh and fragrant flavor, affordable price, and

Hiccp Case Study

(Shuhuai He)(Bin He) Patient: Italian, male, 60 years old Occupation: Farmer Initial consultation date: 4/3/2012 Chief complaint: Frequent episodes of hiccups for over 30 years
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