Academic And Advisory Board Members
陳可冀,教授,中國科學院學部委員(院士)。 Dr Chen, Keji Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Academician).
樑繁榮,教授,中國針灸學會副會長,原成都中醫藥大學校長。Dr Liang, Fanrong Vice President of Chinese Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Former President of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
汪先恩,醫學博士,日本順天堂大學教授。 Dr Wang, Xianen,Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Juntendo University, Japan.
趙中振,教授,香港浸信會大學中醫藥學院原副院長,本草綱目研究所創始所長。Dr, Zhao Zhongzhen, Former deputy dean and professor of the School of Chinese Medicine of Hong Kong Baptist University, and founding director of the Compendium of Materia Medica Research Institute.
焦望義,博士,美國國家針灸和東方醫學認证委員會、副主席。 Dr Daniel Jiao DAOM,NCCAOM Vice Chairman of the Board.
陳業孟,博士,美國紐約中醫學院院長。Dr Yemeng Chen, President of New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
胡軍,博士,世界針灸學會聯合會副主席。 Dr Hu , PhD, Vice President of World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies
肖鴻鈞,教授,陳廷祚國際免疫科學基金會執行主席。Hongjun Xiao professor Tingzuo Chen, Executive Chairman of the International Foundation for Immunological Science.
劉豐,學者,宇宙全息系統倡導傳播者。Feng Liu, Scholar The Advocate and Disseminator of Holistic Universe Theory.
陸 彪 陳 超 徐 梅 劉 偉 魏 輝
李紅梅 王德鳳 張海生 周怡平 潘曉川
沈清瑞 樑冬雲 高喜秋