Jing Li, Associate Editor of the New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, M.D, Ph.D
She has been a research assistant at the Canadian Hospital for Children for 17 years. In addition, she was a visiting scholar at Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan for three years. She received her doctorate in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in 1994 under the supervision of Professor Chen Keji of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and in 1985 she obtained her medical degree from Hebei University of Chinese Medicine. Member of the Cardiovascular Expert Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
李静《新英格兰中医杂志》副主编, 医学博士
李医生在加拿⼤病童醫院擔任助理研究員已有 17 年,專攻⼼⾎管研究. ⽇本東京慶應義塾⼤學醫學院做訪問學者三年。1994年在中國中醫科學院陈可冀教授的指導下獲得中西醫結合博⼠學位,1985年在河北中醫藥⼤學獲得醫學學位。世界中醫藥學會聯合會⼼⾎管專家委員會會員。