Guimei Liu, Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor of Xi’an Eurasia University. Public welfare column “Interview with Dr. Cheng” / Manager. Shangri-La Think Tank International Philanthropy Fund/Philanthropy Mentor. Tissons International Culture Communication (Beijing) advisor. Author of the book. The author of “Methodology of Traditional Chinese Medicine” / responsible editor-in-chief. overseas edition/edited and published.
劉桂梅《新英格蘭中醫雜誌》執行副主編、西安歐亞學院特聘教授、公益專欄《程醫師訪談錄》/主理人,香格里拉智庫國際公益基金/公益導師,蒂紳斯國際文化傳播(北京)有限公司/特聘導師,《樊洲答問》一書/編著者,哈佛醫學院程曉明醫師著作《中醫方法論》/責任主編,劉豐著作《求同尊異 智慧交響》海外版/編輯出版